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10 Best Ways to use safe Hydrogen Peroxide to Clean around your house

Hyrogen Peroxide is a safe environmentally friendly multi-purpose cleaner
Available in 3% solution at the Drug Store. Use it to:
1. Put it in a spray bottle and use to clean most carpet stains
2. The spay bottle can also be used as an environmental cleaner in bathrooms and toiletts
3. Let your toothbrushes soak in a cup of peroxide to keep them free of germs
4. After rinsing off your cutting board pour peroxide on it to kill salmonella and other bacteria
5. Clean counters & table tops with the spay bottle of peroxide to kill germs and leave a fresh smell
6. You can add 1 cup of peroxide instead of bleach to your wash to whiten; You can apply directly to blood on clothing and rinse cold
7. Use peroxide to clean mirrors and showers - no smearing
8. to get rid of canker sores in your mouth rinse with a capful of peroxide for 10 minutes and spit out
9. Soak infections or cuts in 3% peroxide for 5-10 minutes several times a day
10. Dilute 5:1 peroxide and add to a wash of smelly athletic wear to remove odor
Get more information on peroxide based cleaners at http://www.wash-safe-canada.com/roofwash.html

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